v soboto, 9. NOVEMBRA 2024, OB 14. URI V KUHLI Gostišču LOKA, Župančičevo sprehajališče 2, Novo mesto
Drage udeleženke in udeleženci mednarodnega bridž turnirja NOVO MESTO OPEN 2024,
Veselimo se vašega sodelovanja in vam želimo prijetno bivanje v našem starem mestu ob Krki. Ponosni smo nanj in vam ga želimo razkazati s pomočjo naše vodičke, ga. Marjance Antič. Ogled bo zanimiv tudi za tiste, ki Novo mesto že poznate.
Ogled bo trajal uro do uro in pol in se končal na prizorišču turnirja v Gostišču Kuhla na Loki.
Zberemo se ob 11,15 na Novem trgu pred Pošto. Prisrčno vabljeni.
Bridž klub Novo mesto
Dear participants of the international bridge tournament NOVO MESTO OPEN 2024,
We look forward to your participation and wish you a pleasant stay in our old town by the Krka river. We are proud of it and would like to show it to you with the help of our guide, Mrs. Marjana Antič. The tour will also be interesting for those of you who are already familiar with Novo mesto.
The tour will last for an hour to an hour and a half and will end at the tournament venue in restorant Kuhla.
We will meet at 11.15 on the Novi trg square in front of the Post Office.
You are cordially invited.
Bridge club Novo mesto
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